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Charlotte Boelskov
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Charlotte Boelskov

Glas by Charlotte

I am fascinated by glass and its countless possibilities, which is expressed in my unique and colorful designs. I release my joy and creativity through my designs, so that a sensual and visual connection arises - for free interpretation. The inspiration for my designs comes from everyday life - and with them I want to create joy and dialogue.

I upcycle materials/products that I use together with the glass to make sculptures from - it can be wood, leather, stone or metal - only the imagination sets 'limits'. Upcycling, extending and giving new life to a material/product without compromising the artistic quality is satisfying and at the same time caring for the environment. This is not only sustainable, but also results in a unique and interesting fusion of materials.

I also make dishes, bowls and lamps. It is important to me that quality and aesthetics go hand in hand

Vær den første til at se Charlotte Boelskov's nye kunstværker

Mine værker

Hamster Hjulet af Charlotte Boelskov
15⨯15 cm (H⨯W)
8.500 DKK
Skål af Charlotte Boelskov
11⨯43 cm (H⨯W)
3.500 DKK
Håndtegn for Kærlighed af Charlotte Boelskov
18⨯16 cm (H⨯W)
2.100 DKK
Skål af Charlotte Boelskov
11⨯43 cm (H⨯W)
4.600 DKK
Lampe af Charlotte Boelskov
18⨯18 cm (H⨯W)
2.400 DKK
Frk. af Charlotte Boelskov
70⨯24 cm (H⨯W)
5.500 DKK
Hjerterum af Charlotte Boelskov
14⨯4,6 cm (H⨯W)
4.400 DKK
Glas fad & skål af Charlotte Boelskov
0⨯23 cm (H⨯W)
1.650 DKK
'Perfekt' af Charlotte Boelskov
18⨯15 cm (H⨯W)
Kommunikation af Charlotte Boelskov
26⨯26 cm (H⨯W)
3.400 DKK
Stribet Skål af Charlotte Boelskov
48⨯34 cm (H⨯W)
2.100 DKK
Hånden på hjertet af Charlotte Boelskov
18⨯15 cm (H⨯W)
2.100 DKK
Trekant Skål af Charlotte Boelskov
51⨯48 cm (H⨯W)
2.100 DKK
Work or Weekend af Charlotte Boelskov
13⨯13 cm (H⨯W)
3.750 DKK
Hjerte i centrum af Charlotte Boelskov
23⨯8 cm (H⨯W)

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