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Kunstportalen - Danish Artists

Vi tager løbende nye medlemmer ind baseret på kunstnere, der er registreret i vores kunstportal Danish Artists.

Tidligere optog vi medlemmer gennem ansøgninger to gange om året. Det har vi lavet om på, så vi nu kan optage medlemmer året rundt, men vi ser kun på de kunstnere som ligger på Danish Artists.

Ligesom andre gallerier vil vi gerne have mulighed for at kunne følge kunstnerne, deres virke, kreativitet og ikke mindst udviklingen af dem selv som kunstner og deres kunstværker. Det gør vi bedst ved at have fulgt dem gennem et længere stykke tid. Og det kan vi via vores kunstportal Danish Artists.

På Danish Artists kan kunstnerne oprette en profil, med links til deres sociale medier og hjemmeside, og løbende dele billeder af deres værker. Dette giver os det bedste indblik i hver enkelt kunstner.

Det koster 365 kroner om året at have en profil på Danish Artists, hvilket svarer til et ansøgningsgebyr. Kunstnere bliver kontaktet direkte omkring optagelse og et medlemskab hos Kunstsamlingen. Vi kan ikke garantere alle en optagelse, men du er selvfølgelig velkommen til at blive på Danish Artists så længe du ønsker.

Din kunst bliver markedsført via hjemmesiden danishartist.dk, hvor køberne bliver linket direkte til dig. Vi tager ingen provision ved eget salg af henvendelser fra hjemmesiden. Vi er uafhængige af gallerier og binder ikke kunstneren.

Hvis du er interesseret kan du klikke dig videre til vore Kunstportal Danish Artists

Læs mere om fordelene ved
et medlemskab hos Kunstsamlingen

Skal din kunst nå ud til flere kunder og blive mere synlig på nettet. Kunstsamlingen er et af de stærkeste websites til at finde moderne kunst på nettet. Vi hjælper dig som kunstner til at eksponere din kunst og komme ud til en større kundekreds.

Kunstsamlingen.dk er en af købernes foretrukne websites til at købe kunst. Med en side 1 placering på Google og stærke profiler på de Sociale Medier, som Pinterest, Facebook og Instagram, øger vi din synlighed på nettet, så du kommer bredere ud til køberne.

Vi vægter kvalitet. Vi kuraterer professionelt og viser kunstnerne i segmenter, hvor kunsten samles i stilarter og niveauer. Det er synligt på websitet, om du er med i BKF, er etableret kunstner eller du en rising star og er i begyndelsen af din kunstneriske karriere.

Køberne linker vi direkte til dig mod et mindre månedligt abonnement (Se priser). Vi tager ingen provision ved eget salg af henvendelser fra hjemmesiden.

Lad Kunstsamlingen hjælpe dig med at markedsføre din kunst. Vi er uafhængige af gallerier og binder ikke kunstneren.

Vilket konstsegment tillhör du



Committed är för konstnärer som är relativt nya i ämnet eller för erfarna konstnärer med stort engagemang, men som ännu inte publicerat och ställt ut sin konst på ganska många plattformar.



Experienced är för professionella artister med många års erfarenhet inom området. Konstnären har en lång rad utställningar bakom sig och har försökt ställa ut i konstföreningar och gallerier samt deltagit på konstmässor.



Academic är för dig som har en konstutbildning bakom sig eller har ett medlemskap i BKF (Billedkunstnernes Forbund) och/eller DBS (Dansk Billedhuggersamfund). Konstnären måste uppfylla villkoren i BKF och DBS.

Medlemmarna säger det

  • I have been involved from the very beginning of the Kunstsamlingen spändene project Where the artists get several packages to choose from, among other things. Own website and applications for art associations, publication of a catalog and much more, I am very happy with the platform which over the years has been important for my marketing through my profession as a painter I have achieved sales outside the country's borders through the Art Collection and have monthly inquiries from customers who want to buy online or arrange a visit to my studio for a possible purchase I am really happy with ArtPlan, which is the platform where you apply to the art associations, it has really made my work easier, in the past I called the Art Associations myself and sent out a brochure, which resulted in large expenses and a lot of work, here it is all automated and I am very impressed by how many exhibitions I have booked in the new year. Regards, Peter Witt Landskabsmaleren.dk

  • Your website and concept looks really good - and it utilizes the digital media in a modern and efficient way, and where you as an artist can keep up with statistics etc.

  • After much deliberation, I applied for admission to Kunstsamlingen online gallery. I had my first sale five days after my gallery was online. Can highly recommend Kunstsamlingen to both artist and buyer who are looking for a professional and safe forum to shop art in.

  • The Kunstsamlingen WORKS! In each case for me :) I choose the cheapest solution, but find a hard-working team that profiles me well, and soon after, a company with an art association asks me if I want to exhibit with them. They ended up buying for 6,500, -, so the Kunstsamlingen is paid for MANY years ahead :)

  • Being a member of Kunstsamlingen is a great way for me to come out with my art. Especially in these times when exhibitions are small - it's great to post pictures and discover that they are actually being seen. As recently as a couple of weeks ago, through the Art Collection, I received an inquiry which resulted in the sale of two pictures

  • I got a customer out to my Open House who had seen me through Kunstsamlingen. She wanted to see the painting in reality - the fact that she bought it plus one more ?

  • Kunstsamlingen is a new platform for artists who want to continue with their art. The art collection exhibits as well as participates in fairs around Denmark to promote their artists. They deserve all the stars for their professional and professional approach to the arts, as well as some extras for their friendly and welcoming way of being.

  • Super professional collaboration. Great commitment, innovation and professionalism. As an artist you feel in good hands, and very fair treated. Very pleased to be represented at Kunstsamlingen, which has already in the first months resulted in contact with buyers and sales.

  • A modern enterprise, with a modern and innovative approach to art dissemination. The art collection is a very good platform for the artists and art buyers to meet each other, as well as to spread the message of what, among other things. moves on the Danish art scene. I have been a part of the Art collection since the very beginning, and there is no lack of ideas or initiative when the proprietors (and the fire souls) Kenny and Christine have to do something extra to get artists / Danish art put on the world map, as they are both visible / present around physical exhibitions in and outside Denmark, as well as make the artists visible online. A modern enterprise, with a modern and innovative approach to art dissemination.

  • The business concept embraces both art buyers and practitioners in a very elegant, reassuring and professional way. My warmest recommendation as an artist.

  • I am super happy with the collaboration with the Art Collection. I regularly receive inquiries from customers who have seen my art through the Art Collection. Often it has ended up in a sale where the Art Collection has been the first channel. My art is displayed on several of their SoMe, and that traffic can be reflected on my own pages. Thank you to you for your great efforts.

  • Just seems like I want to tell you that thanks to you and the art collection, today I have delivered 3 pictures to a happy and satisfied customer. Your platform helped to establish contact between the customer and me. So thank you for that.

  • Thank you so much for your work. I do not stop being amazed at how Kunstsamlingen is gaining momentum, thanks to you, and how much you, the organizers, do not care about your artists. You are always looking for new ideas and opportunities. Thank you.

  • I have been very pleased to be part of Kunstsamlingen. I find that my art is exposed in a very professional way and that as an artist I get a professional sparring about selling his art. I have also used Kunstsamlingen to create a unique series in “giclèe print in a super fine quality.

  • I have only positive things to say about Kunstsamlingen.dk - fully satisfied.
    I have been exhibiting my art on their website since 2017 and they have done a fantastic job of displaying my paintings at various galleries and art exhibitions. Through this I have received great response to my art, and have reached out to clients I would not normally have received. I can happily say that I have now also reached the Danish border, and with the help of Kunstsamlingen.dk have sold a whole 2 paintings up in Norway.

    Christine and Kenny are simply so sweet, down to earth, talented and 100% committed to helping the artists they represent. They drive Denmark around with our art pieces, and exhibit them. In addition, they are also good at displaying the art on the Social Media. I believe being on Kunstsamlingen.dk is a package solution that works and their website is incredibly nice. It is innovative and effective, and I can only recommend Kunstsamlingen.dk warmly.
    Merete Roy, artist and member of Kunstsamlingen.dk

  • Kunstsamlingens and art profile system works very user-friendly.

  • One can be wary of using online galleries - what do you get of the. With the Art Collection as a marketing partner and online gallery, it has exceeded all my expectations, the Art collection has paved the way for exhibitions in London, Berlin, New York, Horsen, Norway, Rome, Stockholm and sales from own studio. I am proud to be part of the Art Collection from here I got my artistic outlet for the whole world.

  • I admire Kunstsamlingen's vision and efforts to promote the artists' works in the market. Since its inception in 2015, The art collection had success with a number of events where I personally have had success selling five of my paintings .
    I look forward to the next exciting projects with Kunstsamlingen

  • Putting my art for sale, are often at the heart and therefore also particularly important to choose the right place with the right people. Behind Kunstsamlingen is a committed and dedicated team, as I experience, has created a professional platform where artists can safely expose their art.

    - Sold 5 artworks which 1 abroad -